Photo: Ayrson Heráclito


Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (Bahia Museum of Modern Art), Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
with the collaboration of Joceval Santos.


This work reflects on the experience of black bodies in the Brazilian context. An experience sadly linked to a system of reduction and exclusion of rights for the black population. Possession speaks of the black body that remains captive and possessed by the classist and racist system, which imitates the same perverse praxis used during the Conquest. At the same time, this work highlights the richness, ancestral beauty and the cultural contributions of these subjugated people, as well as their capacity for resilience and resistance.


I remain restrained on my knees by a table that functions as a pillory. The table is covered with a silk tablecloth that veils part of my body. Axé meals are placed on the table, prepared and served by an Afro-Brazilian Bahian to visitors.


Thanks to Adriana Cravo, Daniel Rangel, and Vinicius Souza